How to Cut Locks?

Locks are beneficial for securing a home or any specified object from unauthorized access. These locks, however, can face a lot of problems with time as not only can they get rust, but they also lose keys or even forget the combination. This kind of situation only leaves you with one option, which is cutting the lock. A few supplies from the local hardware store will help you break through the lock and get you whatever access you need. Learn how to cut locks below.
Step 1: Using bolt cutters to cut a lock
Bolt cutters come in varied sizes. Try buying bold cutters that are at least 24 inches long as in this way they help you derive the most leverage with you slowly cutting through the lock. Safety goggles are highly recommended when a part of the lock tends to fly off during the cutting procedure.
Step 2: Put the shackle in between the blade
Tilt your lock to the side that helps you cut the side of the shackle with ease. Hold bolt cutters near the waist while pulling the handles apart to open the blades. The bold cutters need to be placed on one side near the lock’s body.
Step 3: Squeeze grips together
This process helps in closing the cutters. This can be performed by holding the grips on the cutters while applying firm pressure to breakthrough. Again, the handles need to be squeezed together until it does not cut through the shackle.
Step 4: Grinding
Get hold of an angle grinder that makes use of a disc for cutting tile and metal. Make use of a disc that is 60 grit. If you are at home, you can use an angle grinder for plugging into the wall. If you require to work somewhere else where there is no electricity, make use of a grinder run by a battery. Remember to use optimum protection to protect your face. Cut through the shackle with the help of an angle grinder.
Step 5: Using hacksaw
Grip the lock’s bottom using a pair of vise-grips. Post this; you need to tighten the nut present on the handle that helps ensure that the lock does not move anywhere around while on hold. Post this, tilt lock away from an object where it has been attached. Hold propane torch to the shackle for a maximum of 3 minutes.
Search for an area on the shackle that can be easily maneuvered with the help of a saw. Turn the torch off after the lock is hot while letting the shackle cool down. End this procedure by letting the lock cool down for some time.
Do not dip the lock-in water as it could otherwise get strengthened again. However, remember to work in an area that is well ventilated and also keep a fire extinguisher ready anywhere nearby.
These tips mentioned above teach you how to cut locks during any misplacement or emergency. No matter how strong the lock is, when these tips are performed dedicatedly, it helps resolve the problem. Improve the overall security with services from a reliable locksmith in Tulsa.