How to Lock Burglars Out of Your House?

A house is a place of shelter and security for the inhabitants. Apart from decoration and maintenance, protecting the house from invasion is the prime responsibility of the homeowner. There are several inexpensive as well as highly secure home security systems for locking burglars out of the house. For improved security, hire services from the best Oklahoma City locksmiths.

1. Locking doors and windows

Most of the burglars look around for easy targets, and a house with doors and windows unlocked is an easy access property for them to invade. Usually, the thieves enter through the front door or through the first-floor window of an empty house. However, it is expected that all the doors and windows must be closed and secured with strong frames and hinges. The locks should be changed after a few years and immediately after moving into a new house. A locksmith should be consulted for the installation of appropriate locks for doors and windows assuring to lock burglars out. 

2. Enlighten the surroundings

The house should be enlightened from outside to make the pathway visible. It will make the place look brighter and thieves will be afraid of a house that is visible from the surroundings. Ample outdoor lights will scare burglars, vandals, and thieves. For saving electricity and also to make the outdoor more visible, house owners can opt for motion-sensing lights, which use renewable sources of energy for power. 

3. Backyard and garage surveillance to lock burglars out

If the front entrance is not accessible for easy invading, the burglars may try to sneak in through the backyard or garage. Usually, there is a lot of space allotted to the storage of materials and food behind the house. Therefore, the backyard should be secured with high quality framed doors and locks. All the doors associated with the backyard or garage must be locked and secure doors with extra locking systems. A solid door with a deadlock is essential to protect the backyard from burglars. Get the most of the services from reliable Oklahoma City locksmiths. 

4. Keep away the valuable articles 

It is a wise decision to keep away the valuable assets under lock. There is no reason to be flashy with expensive items. The high-value items should be kept securely under locks when not using them. The prized possessions like important documents, electronics, cash, and ornaments must be safely hidden in an unusual place before leaving the house empty.

5. Postulate camouflaging environment

It is a good idea to keep the surroundings of a house clean, substituting all the hiding places. Any plants, shrubs, and trees that can be used by the burglars as a cover to reach the door should be eliminated. Small flower bushes are appropriate for decorating the surroundings. There should not be any storeroom outside the house that may contain gardening tools, stools, and ladders.

Apart from all these safety measures, it is necessary to install high-end security systems and cameras. Security cameras with motion sensing, nigh vision capturing, wifi connectivity to the mobile application, cloud storage,, and weatherproof casing should be mandatory features. There are plenty of home security options for the selection according to every budget and level of security.

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